Goals to Set in 2025
Howdy friends,
It’s the time of year that planners start to think about new goals for the next year D: I think planners are the group of people who know basically from Halloween til Dec 26th, is really like a week long. The holidays really make the end of the year fly by.
Which is why I like October for goal review and setting. I love goal setting, clearly. You can review past goal idea list, as well as end of year goals, below; 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025
Level 10 Goal Ideas
These are going to be based around level 10 life categories.
Family & Friends
Meet with friends more – this may look like “X dates with Friend” or partners
Family Trip. This is an easy one, and you can change out it out as a friend’s trip if your family is not the ideal vacation.
If trips are out of your reach, for whatever reason, some other can center around household chore organization, extracurricular activities for you or kids (adult soccer leagues are a thing), specific experiences together (camping, amusement park, etc), board, game or trivia night, teach the kids a specific skill (like driving).
Personal Development
Read X books this year. May I suggest my 52 book challenge if you don’t know where to start?
Track media consumption if you are worried on how much screen time you have, or just want to track your TV and Movie selections this year.
Try something new. An easy one, if you have been eyeballing a paint and sip class for example.
Take an online course.
Go to a recreation event. Such as a retreat, festival, concert, etc
Create a (morning, night, lunch, etc) routine.
Start a journal practice. Reconnect with your center. Whether that is God, secular, or more spiritual, connecting with yourself is always a good way to ground yourself.
Create a mindfulness routine, such as meditation, yoga, etc.
Other good ideas along these are starting a specific journal, art journal, memory keeping, practice handwriting, practice gratitude, adult coloring books, etc all really centered around mindfulness in the moment. Additionally, self care practices such as spending time alone, or going out to eat out alone once a month I would tag as spiritually refreshing.
Pay off a debt – or save a certain amount for emergencies.
Get started in investing.
If you don’t have it, Start a budget.
Some short challenges to help with these are no-spend months, savings challenges, envelope challenges, debt boards, etc
1:1 time with your loved ones. This encompasses a lot of things, good for kids, partners etc
Reach out to relatives – or be the card person. Getting mail is always fun.
If you are looking for a partner, maybe once a month you go to an event to meet someone, or set a goal of so many interactions on the app(s).
Work with your manager to create goals and promotions. If you have a typical job, these are great to work with your manager or boss with. It will also give you a vibe the management style, and you can adjust as needed.
Invest in your career with additional education or a conference.
If you are working getting a new job, maybe the vibes are off: Get a new job. Apply to x amount of jobs, interviews, etc – update resume.
If you work for yourself, I recommend setting hustle goals as “Good, Better, Best” – i.e. I want to earn $1000 extra each month (best). $500 would be better, $250 would be good.
Fun & Recreation
Visit X state or national parks. Or states maybe.
Join a local community or activity. For example if you are into rocks, as I am, join the local rock club in Boulder. Yes they have several.
Give yourself little treats – such as take off a week when your favorite game series comes out. Always a great one. My office uses unlimited PTO so I keep a reminder to take it in here to make it count.
Trip or vacations – maybe you’ve always wanted to swim in every ocean or go to Disney. Try something new, like car camping. Watch specific movies in theaters. I highly recommend giving 4DX a try!
Declutter your home and donate/recycle, I like to go room by room. Remember some stuff can be donated but be honest, does any body want it? Recycle where you can.
Donate time or money per year, if your works for your priorities. Maybe volunteer at a local shelter to walk the doggos if you are looking some where fun to start.
In corporate a new green habit – recycling, composting, no new buys, join a no buy group, stop using paper towels or face rounds. Bring your own bags. If you are up for it, there are a ton of community projects around you can aid as well. Volunteer for politic stuffs. You know why.
Environment / Home
Redecorate a room, as needed, and an easy one but can include outside spaces as well.
Invest in new X, such as stainless steel pans, for example was on of mine in 2024.
You can add any buy stuff here, such as plants, new couch, bed, etc as an easy goal if you are looking to replace those. Create a space for yourself is a nice one that goes well with spirit and mindfulness.
Health & Fitness
Make X Appt. If it has been a hot minute since you’ve been to the dentist or doctor, cough ADHD cough this is an easy goal to aim for – but then also prioritize.
Fitness goals: Work with your doctor to find a good goal, rather it’s weight, lifting so much, being able to run a mile, doing a 5k at a specific time, etc.
Drink more water. Or less soda, or beer.
Some good things to track are hormones, sleep, medications, mood, caffeine, alcohol, or maybe sugar. Another good one is triggers, if you are working on your mental health. Run a marathon, etc.
Goals are personal. If you are unsure what goals to set, think of goals as a way to get to your ideal life. If you ideal life is to live debt free or have work be optional – your goals should focus around financial freedom. Probably investing.
If your goals are around starting or getting a family, focus on finding a partner who fits the bill or if you wanna go it alone, damn it do it. You can do it.
I will say this, if you find you are not hitting a goal that you keep hoping for or setting, such as for me it’s weight – then you might not be making it a big enough priority or need outside help. Coaches, therapy, doctors, etc are big costly investments. Trust me, god the red tape alone. Sometimes we need help.
But. We need to be honest with ourselves and did that goal sound pretty when we made it? Did we really want it or were we influenced to add it because that is what we think is expected of or someone online did it.
Also these goals can change. I expect they will change. Personally I like my yearly goals to be more vague – then I adjust and review them each quarter, month, etc. Things change dramatically over a year, so don’t feel bad in you set a goal in JAN that by MAR is obsolete. Adjust your plan accordingly.
Happy Planning