20 Before 2020

Hello Friends

It has been a hot minute since we went over goals. It’s been a…meh OCT for me. I had these around Sept but I was told end of AUG that my position was in danger, and in fact was laid off in OCT. I am working on it, it just made getting these done a little harder.

End sad little story and let’s get started with the things I originally wanted to get done before the end of the year! Some have changed, obviously but life is hard, you gotta be flexible.

1. New front tires for car

Clearly an easy one, need them. Can’t do all four, but at least the front two and maybe a new battery (was a bit weak during OCT storms here in CO!).

2. Make 5 image sets // cancelled

Canceled, I wanted to work getting better at clipart and getting it out there, however, I am getting better at focusing in on goals and letting lesser side distractions go. For now, I’m letting this goal.

3. 7 Days of meditation w/ Journaling // done

Done. did not really like it. I like meditation in the sense, I will chill when I am getting overwhelmed, usually with chill music and just relax for a bit. It helps. Sitting for 5 – 10 minutes doing nothing does nothing for me.

4. Welcome newsletter sequence

Almost done, gotta finish this, then a good check off the ol’ list. I needed to do this as I really neglect that list….going to work on that. I am adding stuff to a resource library, clearly a link, and plan to do a monthly update. I don’t have much to add right now, but I am hoping to get my old items sold, new pins next year and considering some fun spiritual projects….we’ll see. The better I get at things the more I am realizing doing less is easier – and gets done.

5. No sugar 30 days, in a roll // cancelled

Nope, canceled. Only the holidays are left and no thank you D: Maybe I’ll try this next year. I have been doing great on soda but just overall been to. honestly depressed, to worry about this.

6. Read 6 books

Getting there, got 2 done and 4 set up. Going to read Mistborn this holiday, very excited.

7. Payoff extra cards // cancelled

Ugh, was doing so well then we had to lean on the CC to get through OCT and now I am back to where we were – almost. I plan to get this readdressed in JAN and I know I’ll get there.

8. Family vacation // cancelled

We wanted to do a trip start of SEP but yeah. Canceled. I am going to visit home for the holidays this year, which I am so excited about, but otherwise no more plans for any holidays this year.

9. Take a photography class // done

I’ll miss Skillshare, but I watched the heck out of it til it was cut on end of OCT. My employer paid for it for me. I really should have used it more, but I am glad I got to learn so many new things and I highly suggest it!

10. Take a cake decorating class

Still want to do, if there is a holiday one around I will do that. I think it would just be fun to do with friends or make new ones. It’s so hard to be an adult and make friends!

11. Outline book

Working on this! IT’S SO HARD. I keep watching videos and other Youtube writers – did you know this was a thing? It is go check them out! Trying to get inspired and get it done. It’s hard and I want to have a really strong outline. I am more of a planner than a writer – so if I plan it out in detail I know I will get this done. Getting there.

12. Create a course // Done, kinda

I made a goal book, link here, but I meant to make it more of a HOW TO SET GOALS and get it done but I lacked in that department and it really just ended up being a guided bundle. I am still proud of it, as it’s almost there – I want to keep going and learn how to teach better. I know it’s so braggy, but I really feel like for a person who struggles to get out of bed some days, I got my adulting shit together. I really want to help others who struggle to know it’s okay and here are some tips when it just becomes too much =/ It really is hard some days and that is OK is what I want to get out there. Just pick up and keep going.

Goal Bundle Inserts Collections Monthly Weekly and More image 0

13. Find the words for WHY

I want to write this down. I dunno why lol but I NEED TOO. It’s something I’ve been told and asked and pondered but I cannot find the right words. I feel it in my SOUL but I cannot figure out how to express it correctly. Something like – to create something everyday, to make anything, to really express myself, etc – something to do with creating and making. It has been like 3 years since I heard this concept and I am still struggling with mine. I understand it, I can feel it but I would like to have it in words so I can express it to other people.

14. WORK ON digital print shop

Obviously I am on Etsy, link here, but I used to be better, and I want to get better again. I fell out of the stickers and more into the inserts. That was honestly because I have all the HP Sticker books – I will DIE WITH UNUSED stickers I have so many – so my focus lifted to inserts and how I could organize things better. I am really into collections personally and tracking all the things. So, I want to get back into making this work better. I am also thinking of doing just an instagram for it. I am trying to focus more on it. I think the tracking helps in the sense, you can see there are 31 days, 5 of them sucked, the rest were great! So the motivation is there. The same thoughts behind task stacking and such. Feels better.

15. Outline journal

Almost done, working on a 365-day prompt journal. Hoping to make it physical and I want to include a prompt a day + some list for fun. GETTING THERE. That is a lot of prompts.

16. Personal oracle deck

Actually got one as a gift, like it too. I still want to have one. I essentially want a deck of cards, unsure on the number, so when I shuffle it and ask a question it can be like: You are overthinking it dumbass.. Or you got this, right direction, oh no. Etc. Like a good friend.

17. Update to beaver and run first PPC ad

Just updated to a better layout, finally pulled that trigger (been waiting like months, ugh I’m so indecisive.) However, I have not run a PPC ad yet, and yes. Shame on me. I am close though. I am sure it will be linked to Etsy, preferably my goal book, link here. I also considered doing Etsy ads as well, I just want to learn more on the system as well as see results.

18. New Yob

Working on it.

19. Go to the desert and stargaze // canceled

This is the trip that got canceled. Ugh. But it is what it is, we move on and things change. Right now we are looking to a week in the North-West in March or April.

20. Get underweight plateau

Damn, I feel so frustrated with this. It’s always on my todo’s but it’s always the hardest thing to stick too and I dunno why. I don’t really want to touch too much on it but I am fat and unhappy still about it.



As you can see, some items got canceled, it’s just how this year fell. I am happy to get most of these done and the ones I cannot have a lot of outside factors. If you want to check out year’s past goals (for ideas) see here 2019 +ideas  and I hope everyone is out there putting their goals down and getting them done.