24 before 2024 – Midyear Review
It’s that time of year. These seriously rank so high for me, as I do them every year. It’s time for midyear goal reviews and to set the 24 before 2024 challenge.
What is 24 before 2024? This is a challenge I saw originally on Lisa Jacobs, via I think Boho Berry, if you’ve been on the internet planning train that long with me. It is exactly what it sounds like – you list 24 goals before the end of the year you want to hit.
I do this every year because I use July as a reflection period, then put the top things I want to get done on this list. I don’t always get everything done, sometimes time or money is a factor for some things, but I enjoy putting this list together.
Other goal list (for ideas)
I also like to provide a download each year, you can find this one in the library (or via email) ready to go. I designed some simple ones with 24 boxes.

My goal with the square one is to do the post-it style method or a bingo – I put a reward or surprise under some of the boxes, so when that goal is done there maybe a surprise under it. I don’t intend to do all of them as rewards, so it’s a more random. I then random number generated them out of order over each box.

Okay on to my 24 before 2024 list:
1. Reach reading goal
Been slacking this year on reading, but I’d like to try to continue my streak of 52 books each year. If I don’t I’ll be sad but live. I’ve been consuming a ton of video media this year. I don’t hate that, it’s been lots of good series and movies this year, but I still try to read some that just haven’t been as interesting.
2. 24 dates in 2024
For this one I am counting some past ones, but I saw this somewhere and D: well I am going to make an insert, this is adorable.
3. Thyroid test
No secret I am chubby, and while I have lost weight with the ADHD medications, it’s not what I want to see, so check this before the end of the year.
4. Launch 2024 planner stuff
5. 24 new recipes
It’s just cliche to add the 24 here now, so that is the only reason I picked it. I want to try freezer crock-pot dump meals as well. It’s been hot this summer and we don’t have AC so this might be good to keep the house cooler too.
6. As many 7000 step days as I can. (100)
Not really a good ‘goal’, but something I’ve been trying to do and should keep up.
7. East coast trip
Short of booked, but excited for it
8. Hot Springs trip
Thank you Colorado for the amazing hot springs.
9. Get another piercing
10. Journal more regularly
I used to do this every Monday regardless if anything was going on, but stopped to do it just once or so a month. Want to pick this habit back up. Also side note, I want to do this in Notion, but I am having commitment issues based on the horror stories I read of people losing everything >>; so yeah. Not sure what to do about that.
11. Go to an in-person meet-up.
I am such a homebody but I know socializing would be good for me. God, jkns;afdvg I know it will but it’s hard. I really like being a house goblin.
12. Publish a book(s) to KDP (Amazon)
I got a few designs and just need to wrap them up. This has been a few year goal >>; but finally finishing it.
13. And make some smaller sets for self
I also want to keep a few at home, or maybe smaller and send them from Etsy with extras – like stickers and such 😀
14. Also put some merch in a local store
I’ve been asked before and declined, going to see about this with they art/keychains I have. It’s been stickers in the past, so hoping I can do the art stuff.
15. Pay off loan #1
pretty close, and if I keep to double payments I should be able to this year!
16. Figure out personal development goals.
I don’t have this. I’ve tried doing Math and science, I am practicing geography. For some reason practicing Spanish is harder for me to keep up with. Then career wise I am not sure what to put here either. I am happy and love marketing, I do learn little things all the time, but I don’t feel like I have any clear goals here. So get clearer on what this should look like.
17. Increase Etsy sales
Part of this goal is getting into local stores, and I don’t do it to make money really, but it’d be nice if I could return more so I can do more. Recently I found a new way of shipping for cheaper, so that might help too. Assuming it works well. Testing it on myself now and plan to apply to things after. Excited about that.
18. Make new things
I saw someone do an oversized mouse pad with Vograce, and now I want them. There is more, but it just made me immediately think of that. I need to sell more to do more though, so that is the main reason for that goal. More in means I can make more things or buy more crafty stuff overall.
19. Make paper out of scraps
From my original goals, I still haven’t done this. Mainly because of space issues >>; the tubs look hefty, but I’d like to try this. I am still not super what I’ll make paper into. I see sellers just sell it plain, so dunno what to do with handmade paper after it’s made. Channeling my inner bookworm here.
The last five were kinda hard, as I felt like some of these were too little to add. So here were some ideas compared to what I decided on.
- Create more Challenges // these do well on Pinterest, and I have fun
- Crystal wax test // been a want for awhile, discovered I cannot have candles this year, sadly, so maybe try making my own?
- State pass // kinda a given in CO with renewal, so eh
- Make digital icons // turning my stuff into digital icons for desktop/Notion/phone
- Reel per week // been working on this
- Update blog content // on my mind
- Mini rice cooker // we have a large one, as first world problem as this is
- Ice cream machine? // had to get rid of my mini one, so want a new one
- Tattoo? // I have plans but not commitment yet
- Take x days off self? // a given, but not sure I want to plan it out New pin? // it’s fun but expensive so it’d be money dependant
- Craft show? // eh honestly I don’t want too but I do sell well at them
- New hollow font // doing this no matter what
20. Make candles – rolled tall and crystals
So I went with the ones I felt the clearest about.
As I said this is something I wanted to try forever, I am not a candle maker. Yet. I also want to make more rolled candles with watercolor. It’s ironic that most of them give me headaches and I can’t even use them. I use beeswax rolled candles in my own practice so I am hoping I can find something like that. We’ll see.
21. Create more Challenges (and more Pinterest on items)
I don’t know what they will be but I know Pins do well for me when I put effort into them, so I need to work on better mock-ups as well.
22. Reel per week
Just started trying this stuff out, I’m always like 3 years behind – it’s the ADHD it’s fine. So yeah, keep trying this.
23. Update blog content
Content should be updated periodically, and I learn new things, or things just change, all the time. So updating my content is always a good practice. I need to build more ‘pillar’ type content but my top posts are usually the goals like this, and how-to’s.
24. New hollow font
This was an idea I had for a hollow font that has lines in it, to color in for counting. So for example B might have 4 blocks in it so when you spell out Budget it adds up to like, 30 spots you can color in for your save budget or something. I recently learned to make fonts so I wanted to give that a go and see if it worked the way I imagined it might.
I feel good about these, as I said the last tidbits were hard to pick out and I will obviously do other things around these guys, but this list feels good for what I was thinking at the start of the year and as the year went – things changes or I picked up new knowledge. I know i google goal list this every year when I am coming up with mine, so Happy planning.