23 before 2023 Goal List

Happy middle of the year internet people~
I’ve been doing this challenge for years, 2019 – 2020 – 2021 – 2022, and its still one of may favorites.
Originally when I had seen this challenge it was with Lisa Jacobs, but it has passed around the net a few times. I like this particular goal round up as it really puts it in to reality how fast the end of the year is coming. The end of the year is always the busiest, and I imagine for most people as soon as OCT 1st hits – it flies by. Holiday after holiday.
I struggled this year to fill this up with 23 things, so it’s mostly projects or things I want to finish creating. I also recommend keeping a “22 great things that happened in 2022” list if you haven’t! It’s also a nice one to reflect back on. If you are looking for ideas, as I know I crawl the internet when setting goals to see what others have done, 2019 has a great list before it.
My 23 before 2023
- 2023 goals + planner setup // a given, but I always add it to be ready
- Order Notebooks // still been toying with the outside and inside, so need to finish
- Order summer memos // art done recently
- Order Portland Polaroids // art done recently
- Figure out 365 Journal (make at home? order?) // still haven’t done anything with this
- “” Reflections + others (photo book, doodle calendar?) // or this
- Read 10 more books (50 next year if successful) // added more as I am close to goal, and if I hit this I plan to expand from 26 a year to 50.
- Go to 3 places alone to eat or chill // just for me
- exercise goal here > steps? > walks? // ><;
- Clear Target card (on track) // all good
- weight goal – 15 more lbs // slow go but going
- Halloween charms! // want to, no ideas yet
- 10 more Polaroids // ideas in head
- Sticker foods – Macaroons + Halloween + Totoro train sweets // for stickers
- Thanksgiving trip
- Time off in SEPT for self – spa~ massage
- Guided meditation | mindfulness // ><
- Donate blood – blood drive at work? // going to check into this
- New vet! :>// excited for this
- BA art // want to do this so bad but nothing Ive designed I’ve liked
- Make furry cat ears // been wanting to try this DIY forever
- Order new laser cuts
- Get back to writing, goal in here // haven’t decided on a goal yet but need to get back to it
It wasn’t too hard to fill out once I added projects over goals. I have been struggling with goals lately as I feel pretty content. I am pretty happy with my new job this year, partner and home is all good. The only thing we want is to buy but Denver is ridiculous so that is what we are watching. I continue to do career goals at work, read and hit all the marks so I am pretty content. Thus struggling with goals. This year I made it a focus on health – I got a formal ADHD and Anxiety diagnosis, which helped me gets medications and I feel so much better which in turn finally moved the needle on the scale. The world is on fire don’t get me wrong, protesting and donating where I can there ><; I’ve dumped a ton of money into my teeth this year too, and I am pretty damn happy with results.
Not sure what next year holds, but I know I love making things so you can expect that at least.
Happy midyear, you still have plenty of time for your goals~
Happy planning