Printable Planner Pages – 2021 Month on Two Pages

Hey Friends,

For a few post, I am going to go over my choices for my planner pages – and how I use them. I hope this helps you see ways to use may have not thought of yet. First off I am going to do my 2021 Months I created this last year. This is my first time going all out for months – I usually just use Happy Planners. I 100% always want them dated – ain’t no body got time for that!

I wanted to do this, for the planner page section, so you can see *why* I made the insert, submit ideas (if you want), or make your own! I made most if not all of these in Lucidpress, you can check out a light tutorial here.


7 x 9 HP Disc Ready 2021 Neutral Month on 2 Pages Includes image 0

In my set, you get the month on 2 pages as well as the review page and a simple title page. I like leaning to the minimal side for the actual print – as stickers exist and I have more than I will ever need (and try to use them as much as I can!).


For me, I use the boxes – 1-inch x 1-inch to keep track of reminders, tarot, tracking my cycle and if I had a particularly rough day or were sick, I like to add that so I can look back and see that. I chose this size as it’s pretty standard for stickers. I use the sidebar for decor and bill notes. It’s been a rough year so I can track the amount and if I got it paid.

I use washi for my cycle – purple for ovulation and red for my period. I track it for mood purposes, we are not in it for kids but I can suggest Lunar for an app – it has a ton of ads but has been accurate for me for the last few years. Tracking my cycle helps me manage my depression and anxiety, so it’s nice to be able to see at a glance where I am.


I also included weeks because I feel like too many people don’t realize there are 52 weeks in a year, if you are on week 3 – you have 49 more weeks to get shit done. It helps in planning, to keep an eye on the weeks as they pass for me – as I know where we are in the year. I am not a quarterly planner, I’ve tried it – so this helps me for long term goals.

I don’t track a ton of items on my months – but I reference it heavily for planning. That is why I wanted them fully dated.


For the review page, I add as I go. I do this because I forget a lot. I highly suggest adding good things as you go and writing down your movies, book, or other items as you finish them and they are fresh in your mind. This helps you keep it going for the month, then at the end of it, you can reflect back on those memories too! I found I was just not good at recalling what all I did over the course of the last 30 days >>; so I try to hit it up every time I update my collection pages now.


I hope this helps you understand the month insert, there are many others like it – it’s pretty easy to craft too if you want to make your own at home but absolutely essential to any planner!