Rabbit Care & What I have learnt

Hello Friends~

I wanted to add a Rabbit post – just a simple routine and what I have learnt. Just to toss it out there. I’ve had my rabbit for over a year now, and he seems quite happy. His spoiled little ass is loved to death.


Finn was adopted from Denver’s Dumb Friend’s League. Best I can tell he is either a Rex or New Zealand rabbit – as he is stock and big(8lbs). He was 1 when we got em, almost exactly and his note said he was given up because he did not like to be held. He is such a Tsundere in that area – he will whine and even grunt at me if I pick him up, but the second he is in your lap he doesn’t want the love and pets to stop. I actually make sure he has access to me and my desk when I am in the office so he can come and get pets if he wants. Such a drama king.

Typical care for me includes giving him veggies in morning and evening, I update his pellets in the evening if need be, I have to watch these if he over does it he gets a dirty bum. He gets unlimited hay and water and more than he probably needs treats. I clean out his box on Saturdays and vacuum the whole room. I wash the blankets once a month or so, when they need it. He is pretty laid back and loves his box castle. We play all evening long and he gets a ton of attention. He resides in the office, a 13 x 13 room he is free range in. His hutch is in the closet area, and on the other side his box.


I have thought about getting him another bunny, but I am not sure he would bond. He was a solo bun according to his file and didn’t seem to like others. I keep an eye on the DDFL site and want to try speed dating if he would take to any, but not sure.

Overall I have had no issues. He got a little tummy ache when he ate some fall leaves once. He also has allergies and his sneezes are adorable. He does not like being outside – lol I have taken him out several times all of which he runs to me to pick up. I also tried making him a dig box with dirt, he did not like. This year, I plan to try play sand in a kiddy pool. He likes to dig some, but not a ton. Usually just blankets.

I bring him wild grass from outside when we go out to big parks, like up North to the Buffalo Refuge. He gets pine cones too when we come across them.

Overall I was surprised at how easy and chill he is. I think it maybe his personality, but if I had known rabbits were so easy and fun, not to mention adorable, I would have raised them when I was in the country. I have taken him to other places –  like work, and he was relaxed enough to run around and mark the things as his, and flop, so I know he is easy going, he just doesn’t like dirt.


If you are considering a rabbit I would highly suggest adoption. Any other tips I would say is to make sure you have an area for them that is theirs – we used a big run at first. When we moved we just gave him his own room pretty much, mostly because he sheds a decent amount and we wanted that out of the living area. Rabbits do well in a small space, such as an apartment, as long as you let them out and play with them. They are also super quiet so that works well in small living. I was surprised at how much he sheds though – so be forewarned on that. I brush him once a day when he is molting and once a week otherwise.

Cost wise, his hutch cost $100 and I’d say he lives in the box more, which is an oversize Amazon box we got. He eats about a bag of hay a month – $20 and his bedding is about $5 a week. He goes through $5 of veggies a week too, if not more. I try to be conservative on his servings. His pellets are $10 a bag, he loves the brand by Kaylee with add ins. Whenever I buy his bedding, I use Small Pet Select, I pick up a new toy to treat too. His favorite treats are crasins from the dollar store, so he’s easy there too.

He cost about $20 a week to be alive, so be aware of that before you decide you want a pet. It could be cheaper I am sure, but this works for us. This isn’t even counting all the fun crap I pick up for him, like wood chews, snacks, little blankets, boxes, etc but he’s so cute and worth it.

Happy Rabbiting!
