My 2023 Goals

I love sharing these type of post as I know people look for ideas. I google goals around mid year when I set my 24 before 2024 goals. It really helps to see what other people are striving for.

So first, a little about me so if you are comparing yourself you will know what your looking at. I am female, married, mid 30’s, living in a very high COL area, Denver (😭). I work full time as a digital marketing expert and do this stuff as a hobby, and somewhat to fund that hobby. I was also recently, about a year now, diagnosed with ADHD. It’s so fun making things, 10/10 if you want to do it, go for it. We also have no kids. I have a cute bunny though.

My main goal this year it to continue to lose weight. I am heavy, always have been and have been working with my Doctor on ADHD meds. I was about a few months away from stapling my stomach if I didn’t see results. I am finally losing weight at a pretty steady rate. I don’t even want to be skinny I just want to be healthy. I am tall so that helps, but yeah, being fat as you age is terrible for you. The ADHD meds are working great, I am on a buPROPion, naltrexone combo if you are curious.

Other than that, here are some goals, organized by the usual level 10 method (categories). I like this method as it really helps you think about your life in a well-rounded way.

➽ Family & Friends

Visit family, + plan for friend’s wedding in SEP

Try downtown a meetup (Reddit)

Other ideas that might be fun for you are to schedule a lunch or breakfast each week with friends, a planning night, game night if you are into that. If you are a home body like me, you can join meet ups with Reddit or – some are even virtual if you really don’t wanna go outside. I get it, its hard to make friends as adults, trying a few of these meetups can be fun to get started.

➽ Personal Development

Spanish 101 – words

Write for blog: Good: 25 | Better 35 | Best 40

Define Core Values

I consider personal development anything you want to learn that isn’t meant to be recreational. It can also be from your job if they have specific items they may want you to learn.

Some ideas:

  • Learning new skills, such as digital marketing or writing
  • A new language
  • Setting a math habit,
  • Read so many books a year. My good reads.

➽ Spirituality

I am happy with my spirituality. This is a great spot for church or learning new practices, depending on your faith. I can only help with a few witchy ones:

  • New Moon = new goals
  • Full Moon = grateful
  • Meditation practice
  • Acquire new shinny rocks
  • Learn about rocks
  • Collect rocks outside in nature
  • Be kind to the animals outside
  • Learn sigils
  • Practice specific types of personal magic
  • I love making my own scent-free candles

➽ Finances

Debt down

No Eat out days

Start a new side gig

I am sure a lot of people having money goals, some great ones to strive for:

  • Savings
  • debt down
  • Sinking funds are
  • Save for specific things
  • Eating out less
  • spend free days/challenges

You may also want to work in some a work goal here for a raise or 401k, Roth, etc.

➽ Marriage

Leaving these private but some good ones are: work on communication, date nights, vacations, legal items such as wills or insurance agreements. Getting your dude to the doctor. Yeah I’m looking at you men.

Do consider your partner in these goals, you can’t expect a date night if you don’t discuss it and both commit to it.

➽ Career

I keep these at work, we set specific goals for the quarter as well as personal improvement goals. Mine center around working into a more senior roll, I’d love to learn more VP of marketing roles personally.

Some good ones to think about if you are not in a position that does this, are similar to personal development: learn new skills.

If you are unhappy with your job maybe you want to work on your resume and apply to so many jobs, find some good referrals, etc.

➽ Fun & Recreation

I usually focus on places I want to travel for the year, but other good options are like join a hobby or a group or sports team. I would consider this more like activities for fun rather than improvement skills.

  • Try a new hobby
  • Play a new game
  • Puzzles or coloring books
  • Movie list, tv shows, rewatches
  • Going out to places to eat or drink
  • Cooking fun

➽ Eco [Giving/Charity]

I switch this to eco stuff for me. We’ve been working to be more green and this is where we put ideas to try.

Join recycle group

Make paper out of scraps

Some ideas

  • Try new green brands or products (cleaning, clothes, etc)
  • Watch trash – packaging sucks
  • Use reusable bags
  • Recycle cans, etc
  • Not buying new things if you can help it

I finally found some where to send my prescription bottles – here.

One of my goals this is year it to take my paper scraps I’ve been saving from orders, and make my own paper. I have no clue what to do with it yet, but I thought I’d start there. The rabbit can only eat so much.

➽ Environment / Home

My list here is all new things I want when we move: mattress, etc type of purchases we’ve been waiting to move for.

Some great ones if you are settled to start with is:

  • declutter room by room
  • decorate room by room, big art or family art
  • robot vacuum
  • Painting
  • deep cleaning room by room
  • Big purchases, such as a mattress,

➽ Health & Fitness

Lose more weight

Treadmill, maybe a bike too

Dental bridge

I imagine we all start off with health goals this time of year. I include vision, dental, etc in mine, as far as check-ups and reminders for visits in my check-it-off list.

  • Usual check-ins
  • 5k or so many steps
  • Get a new piece of sports equipment
  • Try specific food or recipes
  • Eat in season (in your area)

Try to keep these realistic, it’s very easy to over extend and obsess on health.

The final set I set out to list are things I want to make. So many things D: not all will be made this year but this is the ideas I have so far. I add to them as I see things and go – I WANNA do that.

  • Lanyards
  • Shaker charm
  • Acrylic pin
  • Washi Stand
  • Magnets
  • paper clips
  • Phone case
  • wooden pins
  • notebooks
  • repeating designs
  • Zine
  • Astrology key chain each month?
  • rename planner system?
  • Planners on Amazon
  • Make paper out of scraps

I hope some of the examples or my goals for this year inspire you if you for your goals. Remember you can set goals anytime of year, not just new years. If something inspires you, you can always add it on and just start where you are now.