Mix & Match Inserts for your best productivity

Hey friends,
I hope you are staying productive but not overly stressing about it. It’s good to relax sometimes too. Balance.
Is your current planner working for?
If not consider checking out online printables to help you fill in the gaps. There are tons of great free ones out there – Pinterest has a ton and if you haven’t heard about Scattered Squirrel, you’re going to like it.
I have spent most of my adult life making list and todos. I’ve been doing planners since I was in Elementary school (Primary) and a rough form of the journaling in HS & College.
Over time I found I need a happy in-between of PRETTY and functional. So for me, I use the HP inserts – whatever I am feeling at the time (why it’s always good to keep old pages!) – and my productivity goal inspired inserts.
This is the Busy Week one. I find a master weekly todo list does me better than repeating things daily. If I didn’t complete a task, I don’t have to migrate it.
Sometimes I will use the half inserts to make a daily page, if I am feeling particular busy, however, I always like going back to the master’s todo list for maximum productivity. This may not work if you have more than this list of items to do. I really recommend a master month list and then picking goals out each week – you can also fill in MUST dos on each of the days.

The days are great for time-sensitive items + some reflecting or journaling about the day. I also try to decorate the pages because again, I need the inspiration of PRETTY to look at so I go back and forth.
Recently, I tried out a variation of this insert – I put a routine option on the bottom but I found it to be double-dipping with my habit tracker. After reflecting it’s more useful o see those habits at a glance for the month VS having to flip through each week page.

I hope these tips help you find the perfect balance of planning and relaxing. The best system is the one that works for you – and the one you actually use.
If you are interested in the options I offer in My Etsy shop, you can check it out here. I try to keep the best methods of task tracking updated! I test them often and really use them!