Happy Last Quarter
Hello Friends!
It is that time of year again, end of year rush to get things tied up. Actually it is a bit late in the quarter, but either way, it’s time to set up some last minute goals to reach those big ones. This will be bit of a more personal goal post, but I hope it gives you some ideas for goals – specifically 18 before 2018 (by Lisa Jacobs). I loved this concept and I googled around trying for ideas for this myself, so here are my 18 before 18:
My 18 Before 2018
- Read One More Book
The 12 Week Year is the book I’ve nabbed, but haven’t started it yet.
- Website Review and refocus
- Weekend trip with Josh
- Get a Massage
Because I’ve never had one, I don’t like to be touched typically so I thought I wouldn’t like this, but I want to try it.
- Finish Christmas / DEC Layouts
I’ve been so uninspired lately, I am hoping one weekend I can focus on this. I love Christmas and started singing in October, so you would think I’d be obsessed.
- Plan 2018
Working hard on this.
- Find a lettering book/set
Suggestions welcome, otherwise I found one I like online.
- Revamp my Schedule / Routine
Working too much, not getting up early, not eating properly (see health below), etc need to get back on a routine.
- Setup new Planners for 2018
The best part 😀 Adding all the fun stuff! Can’t wait to move in.
- Stick to no buy Christmas (it will be there next year!)
Trying hard to avoid Christmas decor shops T_T it’s so hard, but I don’t need it, I don’t need it….
- Get to bed by 10:30 PM
Back to getting on routines, I like getting to work early turns out.
- Try a week of 176 ounces of water
I saw someone say to try drinking half your bodyweight to help with diet, I drink a ton of water as is, at least 100 ounces, but I thought I’d try this to see how it goes. You never know.
- Take a Day off for me
Not Josh, not cause I am sick, for me. To just chill at home.
- Send out Holiday Cards by 10th
Typically an easy goal, I haven’t even bought any this year! Honestly I might not need too…once I get the Holiday stuff out.
- Decorate work office
It’s so bare, working on getting paintings and other things added in the office.
- Refocus on Health
Stop eating all the things D: as good as they are. It’s hard but I need to get back on eating properly at home. Work is pretty easy. Eating out less too.
- Declutter Room
I still own too much stuff. I really do. I got it pretty decent at the moment, but I might do one more round of cleaning things out.
- Get a real tree this year
Last couple years we’ve been too busy for this, yes too busy for a tree. This year I want to get one. We were just lazy and busy, it happens sadly and since we are adults we felt we could skip it, even though it is probably our favorite holiday.
Okay! So those are my 18. Conveniently I keep it digitally, and I could totally add more, like go Holiday Light Driving, etc there are some simple goals on there, like send out Holiday cards, but I feel like that is really important. I love sending out cards and this year I fell off the bandwagon of sending notes to friends and family throughout the year. Oye!
So again, I hope that helps with your 18.
2017 Reflections
As far as reflecting on the year, this will sounds absolutely terrible, but I do not remember a lot of it. Why? I just don’t focus on memories like that. I am looking forward to using my Big Happy Planner as a scrapbook. Seriously. I am terrible. I can recall facts and numbers but for some reason what I did over the weekend draws a blank. It is also why I journal so much, highly recommend keeping a journal. If nothing else, to vent privately.
I have however, been reflecting on things I didn’t do that I wanted to, project wise. I just sorta have this vague idea in my head. I haven’t really owned up to them or wrote them down. This year I want to change that. I can do 100% of these if I plan them out.
I was having terrible trouble writing them down, I couldn’t figure out how to express them. So finally I sat down this weekend and just brain dumped them. I took a piece of paper and just jotted them down, no order, no lines. Now I want to go back and refine them, why them and set smaller reachable goals to get that done.
I know if I set my mind to it I can do it, so what was holding me back? I think I am pretty lazy when it comes to work. I always try to find a way to make a job easier and faster. It can be good and bad. I also think I was afraid to commit to these because of failing. But my hubs pointed out, 100% of jumps not taken are missed. So I want to get past that this year and complete them.
Some are also fading interested, like stickers. I really love stickers, and seeing them down but I look and see so many already created, it amazing me how the market can take so many sellers. It’s crazy! I have to think on this more, but I’d like to do some BUJU style stickers this year. I really like the concept of Bullet Journalling, but I hate my handwriting so much. I keep collections digitally and then trackers in my Happy Planner. I still think it would be a lot of fun to start these types of stickers though. So that is one thing I am thinking heavily on.
This brain dump really helped me figure out some of the things I want to do. I put one time things, such as I would love to mock up a renaissance style painting of Josh and I, it would be so fun, and all the way to long term things like find some Virtual Assistance work. I just dumped everything down I kinda wanted to do, and kinda thought about in the past, to narrow them down.
I am not done by any means, but I wanted to share my personal process in picking goals for the next year. Some are easier than others, save money, go on X trip, learn this, etc but other goals can be hard to set, especially if they require a bunch of steps. I haven’t gotten through all the details, but I would like to focus these down in 90 day goals. Not there yet, but working on it. I want to do this because there is evidence anything longer is hard to sustain.

Super Simple graphic I made real quick – to represent motivation vs days on goals.
I hope my goals and struggle defining goals helped you narrow yours down as well. If it did please share this!
Have a happy rest of the week!