Goal Setting: Don’t set and Forget your goals!

Hello Friends

It’s the start of a new year and so many people, I included love, setting new goals for the year.

Now I’ve always been a goal-setting person, one of those planner people who write in like 7 different colors. I’ve never had issues with reaching most goals. Obviously, some are harder than others – I’m still fat, but some goals we want more than others too (I’ve always been chubby and never really had a huge issue with it, which is why I think I struggle there – I am pretty damn happy overall but that is a thought for another conversation).

I think the number one thing that has always helped me keep me on track for most of my goals, is keeping them present in everything I do.


Keeping your goals in front of you

If you keep your goals in front of you, reflect on them often, and set your to-do task each month BASED on said goals, you are going to be more likely to reach those bigger goals. Somethings are hard and will require more research or effort socially (such as growing Instagram) but if you reflect on them as you are setting your monthly task you can think of actionable, smaller goals that will get you closer to that bigger goal.

For example;

I want to write more for the blog this year. I usually start off strong anyway but fall off around mid-year (life just gets busy). So I am setting it a goal to write blogs a week, yes this post is in advance. I have a few series I want to write – more on digital planning and how to make planner inserts for example.

First, I wrote down all the ideas I had, and each month I pick several to work on – so they make it to my monthly task list. I have been sorting this my project: Paperie, Pins (goal!), Blog, and Patreon (Started a digital download club, if you are interested here). I am testing this method out for now, as I use to just bulk write them down. This helps me sort them a little in my head better.

I then pull items from my monthly task list to the week – usually whatever I want to work on. This week I am excited about guided journals I am working on, so it’s going to be the main thing I focus on – I just bought a cinch and I am just so excited to get started.


I personally let my interest guide what I do a little too much probably, as I focus on the stuff I am excited for. I also like to work in batches – meaning I set a timer and write for X amount of time, then do something else and come back. This helps me get more done IMO – the Pomodoro technique.


Breaking Task Down

I think the crucial step to getting a goal complete is breaking it down into manageable actions. I think this is the number one thing all productivity tries to teach, and it can be hard since everyone is different. I wish I could crack your code for you, for me it’s enough for me to want to do it, and break it down. Some people need to schedule it, provide a reward or just are unsure how to get started so they don’t.

One thing I do on days I feel BLAH is to put tasks on a daily to-do list (I normally do a weekly, but if I am feeling really unmotivated, I will break my task down even FURTHER to make myself feel better about it). This list is really basic, and I add the chores in my head to it – so I can check them off as I go and get that sweet, sweet, dopamine to keep going.

Example Daily List:

  • Brush Teeth
  • Log the things
  • Feed Bunny
  • Oil Face (I live in CO, it’s dry AF)

This is my morning routine, easy cross offs so I can get going on the day

  • Dishes in Dishwasher
  • Run Dishes
  • Wipe counter
  • Put away Xmas stuff
  • Order Groceries
  • Call blood donor place
  • Schedule Oil Change for WED

Then  I add basic chores I want to get done today

  • Work for 5 Hours (main job)
  • Send Newsletter for person
  • Journal
  • Write 1: Setting goals/intentions
  • Test print journal book half page
  • Backup Procreate
  • PU (pickup) Desk
  • Any Orders
  • List phone on eBay

Then I list tasks related to work or projects I want to work on.

I also keep a list of tasks related to my main client separately, just so I know where I left off. This daily list really breaks down the smaller steps of things I want to get done this week. I just pick a few I am still excited about or I know need to get done and I add them to the daily list. I check them off both. If I get something done that was on the bigger weekly list, I check it off too. Double the hit of success.


Some days can be hard, but I find breaking them down into smaller steps you know you can accomplish quickly, helps you build that momentum to keep going. If not, that is okay too, you k now you got some things done for the day and get rest knowing that.


Start Smaller, to build bigger

I find doing the smaller things consistently, will get you more than doing one huge thing every so often. This is true in marketing as well as goal setting. Posting consistently will grow your audience better than doing one live event a month and never touching it otherwise.


Energy Management

The last thing I just want to mention is energy management. This may have to do more with you getting your goals done than you might think. Many people don’t realize they have better work times, days, and just overall how to track their energy. For example, I track my girl days – ovulation & period – not for pregnancy reasons but because I know those weeks my energy is different. I don’t always know how beforehand, cause of hormones, buts I know those two weeks of the month are going to possibly be harder and I should be aware when it comes to planning.

For others this may be if you are working on a project, you know you will expend morning mental energy to get that project complete. That may mean that in the evening you don’t have as much energy to cook, socialize or just do chores. Instead of beating yourself up about it and feeling bad, remember what you spent your energy on during the day – maybe plan the next day to stop an hour earlier so you can preserve some energy for something else. You can mentally track your energy or just make an hourly list and see how you feel.

I know for me, and I don’t have a solution it’s just how we spend our energy, if I have a particularly productive day, get all the things I set out to do and maybe more, then the next day, I will be a little more tired. I tend to alternate those days – super productive and a more chill day. I plan to do less, etc. Sometimes I can squeeze a little more energy out of myself if I try, but remember it’s not an infinite source!

If you overdo it one day, just like with a physical job, mentally you may be drained the next day and need to focus on something else to recharge.



I hope these tips help keep you on track this year,

Remember hustle culture can be negative too – so take care of yourself too!