2020 My Goals, A Recap!

Hey Friends

Hope you are having a fantastic New Year.

The time has come for reflections! This year has well been a year for most of us. A lot of us are looking at a completely different end to how it started. I hope you have been staying safe, and this year has not been too difficult for you. If you have not reached your goals – for whatever reason – don’t despair and dwell on it too long, let’s reflect together and take an honest look on what we could have done differently, and plan for the future. 

In this, I’ll go over 2020, but I will be posting 2021 very quickly! I have a lot of goals, although I have left most of my hopes of travel and adventures off since it’s still unknown what the year will bring until at least mid-2021. 


Onto it; 

<My Notes will be in teal>

Goals that were canceled will be crossed out, cause 2021

Last year I grouped my goals by category, which I have done year over year to help me organize how I can be 100% happy with the section. I will admit I am pretty easy going and pretty happy with most areas of my life, so be sure to reflect how you feel about those categories personally, and not be influenced by how someone else feels.

Also note, this is a straight up review, with little additional! Feel free to steal idea for your own goals this year! 


Friends & Family 

Visit NY Family & Friends – EAT ALL THE THINGS 

Get nails done with Jorie? See her more D: 


Personal Development 

✔ Consume way less TV media  I did good at the start of the year, but 2020 being a year at home, I consumed a lot of media after March but I did read a TON too

✔ Read: 12 Books  Done, I upped my goal to 26 Non-Fiction books, no goal on fun books

Marketing Seminar 

Fun, Crafty Retreat

✔ Create a Morning Routine  Done, very happy with my mornings

✔ Do a monthly challenge each month Done, did 6, one every other month

 → See Projects



✔ Relax Standards Done, I feel much more at ease with what I am able to celebrate or not

✔ Draw BOS pages Done, Did a lot more this year, have a ton planned too!

Latin?  Couldn’t find any basic term cheat sheets, but would still like to try



✔ Get back on track and off debt! (refi debt) Getting there! Done, we are doing great! This year should be good and we are considering moving to a lower cost area (Denver is hella expensive)

✔ Budget better Done, we found a good middle finally

✔ Spend less overall Done, I could probably spend less, but I managed to make enough to cover new Etsy items, so I am happy

Save 10k OKAY, it’s not 10k, but we have a net now


Fun & Rec 

Me Day each Quarter  the last year has been a me day. I’m fine.

Mt. Camping

Visit Portland

Tropical Cruise

✔ State pass?  Ready to go when we can go up next


Spa Day

Volunteer for a day 


Physical Environment 

✔ Sewing Machine! Was planning for xmas, but we skipped gifts this year

✔ Continue downsizing Pretty much good, need to clean the tool closet OMG tho


Health & Fitness

Usual keep trying to not be fat Still Fat

Get Ears pierced again! 

✔  No hormones 6 months Tried it for 3, hated it, got a low hormone, pretty happy

✔ Keep track of of pain + seek solutions (prob fat) Feeling pretty good, some goals for next year

✔  Get back on track with teeth Doing great! I need a cap D: but hoping to get one early in the new year

Do more 5ks

✔  Coconut oil pulling? Still a pass from me

Get Bike Want! Yes I still want one, thinking early spring


Okay, so I accomplished most of what I *could* do this year. Still fat though, sadly. It’s top goal this year, in case you are wondering. I didn’t have a ton of personal goals I wanted so I put it right at the top, I am just going to have to be more disciplined and work at it.

Anyway, onto Projects! I usually use this section as things I want to make, learn or try at least once.


Create Shouho Bakery Pins

Kickstarter? The basic first set of 5 cupcakes/snacks

Got this ready to go in JAN – I planned out the entire year goals, I am hoping to turn enough profit in the first 3 months to make it worth it, but we’ll see! That is the goal @_@


Witchy Prints – for BOS or PC 

SO Happy with how well I’ve sold Tarot cards stickers. They really are useful too (I use the mess-ups! lol) Expanding my BOS pages and I have plans for affirmations, stickers, and all the things. Digital versions below to show off:

Miniature Calendars for 2021 Journaling cards 3 x 4 inch image 0 Book of Shadows Rock Catalog Page Classic Happy Planner A5 image 0 Daily Reflections Page Classic Happy Planner A5 8.5 x 11 image 0


Stationary pads – TODOs, Calendar, etc

 Did not make it this year, but I have a ton of Inserts to show for a great year, just never ordered them as a pad form, but I did buy a ton of printed ones!


Resin Geodes  Did OKAY, the beach turned out better!


Resin Spheres (Stormlight)  Couldn’t get them completely round T_T so sad

Try Embroidery  Loving this, still doing it. Next year I wanna try the stabby version

Try Crystal Wax Melts – w/ Bioglitter  Did not like. I mean they are cute yes, but not something I want to do full time or as a side hustle

Share smol shops on Instagram  Been trying, I need to get back on it, I really was able to buy from a good amount of smaller businesses this year and I should share them


Work on handwriting (+create own font)  Didn’t make my own font but still want too, I am pretty happy with my daily handwriting when I go slow

Go to local craft fair (see if Jorie will go with)  T_T 


Finish 365 Journal  Done, made another one too! I still figuring out this process though!

Finish mood coloring page  Done! I made a bunch, you can buy them in the store. I have more in mind too 


Create 15 challenges (30 days)  Did 6, but I am okay with that, I think I want to do some arty ones next year for insta I think, check them out here


RE Coloring book  Need to do, I think would be really fun for kids

New Printer – so can print thicker (maybe a laser too?)  Got a laser, not a new Inkjet, still trying to see if I can print to the edge


Realtor Shop? Pop ins, digital and handmade (like craft fair) and physical closing items + RE coloring book?  

This year goal, plan to open a realtor focus download shop, planner etc, maybe even shipped items in the future


Create an Online Course  

Still, on the fence, I know a lot of them pop up and charge and people are probably making money from it but I am not sure yet I want to charge for this. I might still try it.


Write a book – #lifetime goals  This is always on her, one day


And finally, a recap of my 21 before 2021

  • Finish 2020 Planner before August (the dated versions) and get it posted   Done, I am officially using my own planner for 2021, and have it posted for sale with goals to do dated versions every quarter! SO EXCITED and I love it – flipthrough coming soon!
  • Finish 2021 Planner before September (the dated versions) and get it posted  Done
  • Finish 365 Journal prompts. Create a download, post it to Amazon, create a printed version for the shop  Done with half, I am still navigating Amazon and figuring out how to publish it. I want to do a spiral and they don’t – so I am looking into that first!
  • Read (cause I keep skipping reading) 4 more books  2 Books Down  Done, I read a ton this year, so proud and I enjoyed it so much! I still have some to get through till the end of the year, but I’m glad I got the Kindle last year
  • Get back on track money-wise: Pay off hubs card, Do taxes (T_T), work out a plan with mine, get rent caught up  Getting there. Goals and sinking funds established!  Hubs card is pay off, Taxes got done (still owe some), caught up on pretty much everything we can and I need a card, but finally, we’ll get some progress there.
  • Sell 25 cut orders in new Etsy shop – buy laser print and laminator so you can do foil  I have sold over 100 orders this year! I am so happy, I can’t wait to keep going! 
  • Get down to # weight, then buy myself a bike! (I picked one out: )   Eh, still fat but not as fat so that is good. 
  • Finish Bakery pins: Kickstarter’s goal is to do 3 pins + add in extras. (washi tape!)  Finished, didn’t launch, need to decide if I want to this year or not.  Not, decided to launch in JAN and put a full-on plan together for it (you’ll see in 2021 update!)
  • Make more spiritual prints/stickers for those out there who want and need them   Done, got more planned – really enjoying making these as I hate doing it by hand (I’m so picky! Why I can’t BUJU)
  • Try making stationary pads (weekly calendar, daily, etc) –  Didn’t make any pads, I just never got around to it
  • Resin Geodes, try this. If success makes Beach board for Christmas gift  Done!
  • Try crystal wax melts idea   Tried this, not a thing I am in love with right now
  • Create headers out of handwriting for shop  Need to do a full-on font, I did make headers tho!
  • Finish the mood Buju coloring pages   Done
  • Speaking of Buju, make collection inserts into stickers and offer them in shops!   Done
  • Create an online course for creating inserts.  I outlined this and worked on it, but am unsure if it will be worth it =/
  • Get a short story out to see if we remember good story telling  Eh shame I didn’t do NaNoWriMo! 
  • CREATE THAT PLANNER IRL   Did! I have it, love it T_T so happy. 
  • CREATE THAT NOTEBOOK IRL   Pretty much done, I wasn’t able to source what I want but future goals to make it real
  • Take and get certified by Facebook / Google   Eh didn’t do, decided wasn’t worth it
  • Get hair done, thinned, and trimmed; frizz.   Did it myself, cause you know, 2020, just felt safer to do at home. When it grows back out maybe we can go out and get it done!


Alright, that is it. I feel pretty good about getting things done for 2020, I started it off unemployed and down and out, and finished it self employed, accomplished, and pretty well set. We’ll did it OK and I am looking forward to 2021! 


Onto a new year, with new hopes and goals! 

You can always see my collections, including these goals, notes, and new ones in my Google Drive




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