Small Chats – Vision Boards

Hello Friends~

Today I wanted to touch on vision boards – and more specifically on how we all learn and process things. It was something that I have been thinking about lately. Some friends and I were discussing it at lunch and it’s crazy how many different types of ways to learn and set goals there are. It is also something I struggle with my SO because he does not think or goal set or even process things anything like I do.

So what I mean by this, is how you learn and process the information around you is different. Some people are visual learners, for example. My friend is a visual learner. She LOVES vision boards. Makes them all the time and it helps her to focus on those goals to have a picture or story associated with that goal. She can see it in her mind and it makes her want it.

For me, you put a couch on a vision board – I see a couch, worth X and if you want it you just need X. Not a lifestyle associated with it, or a dream or the room around it. I am just not that person. I work in a list. You a lifestyle, break it down into sections and get those.

I was always a great student because I learn by hearing so if it was said in class, and I was in said class – even if I was half paying attention – I got it.

Now, I do not think I am a very good teacher – I explain it how I understand, if I can express it at all, but get flustered when someone else doesn’t understand the steps. I struggle so hard and I don’t get it and it is just so frustrating and I understand it is neither party’s fault. I work in steps. If I do 1, 2 and 3 I should get X. If you skip step 2, you won’t get X. If I don’t get X after steps 1, 2 & 3 I get confused. There may be another way to get to X but I did it 1, 2 & 3. I am all for you doing 4 & 5 to get X instead, as long as X = X it works both ways. This variable nonsense might confuse people but it is how I think typically. Sometimes I have to figure out the steps, but I need to know what X is first (a.k.a. the goal). This is why I tell people to work backward if you know the end you can work on steps to get there.

So essentially what I want to express, is not everyone is the same. You may think by writing goals down like I do, or using the inserts I’ve made, you are just going to get it together and be WOW. But it might not work for you. And that’s ok.

Everyone is different, and I struggle way harder than I wish I did with trying to understand more creative souls. It’s terrible to be on the sidelines of people you love going “DO X DO X” and they are like ‘shut up’. It feels terrible not being able to fix things for people you love. I’ve tried hard to let go of things I can’t get people to do (even if I think it would be great to do).

I hope this is insightful if you are just not understanding why you are not getting the same results as someone else. Everyone is different. Morning’s don’t work for me.