10 Places to Share Your Content!
Hello Friends~
I am in the woods somewhere, hopefully swimming 😉 as this week I am visiting home.
Next week I plan to do an update to ‘what the hell should I be doing’ as a blogger cause hot damn, I have a ton to add to that. Been really busy, learning mostly, and now I am feeling good about what I SHOULD be doing. Since I haven’t see this type of post, I am excited to make them happen!
Anyway, onto the listicle!
10 Places you should be sharE YOUR CONTENT
1. Pinterest – this should be your number one. I would say 99% of the blogs I’ve read I’ve come from Pinterest for – as well as its everyone’s BEST source of traffic – currently. I am trying to see and keep on anything new coming up, I actually HATE social stuff 😔 but I am trying to stay on them and be better.
Add me to your Pinterest! I’d love to see what you are doing too!
2. Facebook (Fan Pages) – there are plenty of Apps that do this auto for you – in fact WordPress has a feature to do this, but you should share your post on a fanpage. Also invite all your peeps to come like it too! Don’t be shy, share it!
3. Facebook Groups – Joining a Facebook Group that has similar interest as you can be great! It took awhile for me to find a group I really liked to be active in. You can always start your own as well! If you are posting about your post make sure to read the sidebar and check if you can share your post directly – or if their is a weekly sticky for that!
4. Twitter – Another really fun social. I am really random on my tweets – but I try to share all my post and latest things there, its also the fastest way to get my attention if you need something. I personally like how this is a peak into people’s minds – what they are thinking throughout the day and as things happen.
5. Instagram – I currently have one Instagram, and honestly, I need to separate it but I don’t know an easy way. If I find one I will share it asap! I haven’t been sharing any post on Instagram lately, but I like to post pictures of My Etsy shop and progress pictures. I need to get this sorted out yes but its a great medium to share pictures with people.
6. Google+ – The great thing about Google+ is you never know whose checking in! If you keep this updated and share on it you can find some really great communities there to work with. It can expand your market.
7. Reddit – Reddit pretty much as a sub-forum for it. There is a DIY one, two planner ones, a Bullet Journal sections, etc etc – you can pretty much find a section to share in. Its great because it will give your share new eyes that may have not otherwise came across it!
8. Your Newsletter – Its always good to put a recap of the post in your newsletters. It doesn’t have to be a major feature, but more of an FYI if you have a lot going on. It can also make a full newsletter if you don’t have a lot going on that time period. Just depends where you are, but its another great place to share.
9. Other Blogs (that allow it) – Some blogs, including mine, have options to list your site in the comments, the more the merrier!
10. REAL LIFE FRIENDS AND FAMILY – We have a saying around the office (real estate) – Don’t be a Secret Agent! Its important to make sure your friends and family know what you do – so they can go to you first! before outside sources. I can only imagine how depressing it might be to have your best friend select someone else to do their site, wedding invites, sell their house! ETC if you don’t tell them, how will they know.
Now for the biggest tip of all – You cannot do it all ^ this is personally 8 too many to concentrate on. Seriously. Id say pick two to start with and work on those, then if you find you have time, add a third. I can’t imagine doing them all amazing all the time on 10-20 hours a week (what I side hustle). Pick what you like, for me I love Instagram, hate Facebook, and plan to work on my Pinterest + do newsletters. That’s more than enough, probably to much. This is still a great list to go down when you are creating content – you can post there, just realize time is the main resource we all have.
Hope this is helpful, happy end of May!