My Top Tip – Never Stop Learning!

Hello Friends~

I was asked recently what are some resources for blogging so I thought I would share my favorite places to visit and how I teach myself.

Pinterest is the ultimate resource – I highly suggest just browsing there and adding items to a ‘to read’ list – it is what I use to do as ‘favorites’ but they are removing that feature 😒 I flag things when I am bored, taking a break, sitting on the couch, etc – essentially if I have some down time for a minute or two I head to Pinterest and add items.

I’ve been busy sorting likes into Pins lately, had about 180 unsorted ones I was trying to get through this weekend.

My next favorite thing to always keep an eye on is my favorite blogs – I stalk Boho Berry + her Youtube for inspiration on Buju. I also love Lisa Jacobs which I hear mentioned in the blogging sphere a lot as well. I also subscribe to Financial Best Life as I love nerding out with numbers and her ideas on side hustles are fantastic. By Dawn Nicole is a printable and handwriting dream 😍 and finally I found this super upbeat blog Wonderlass.

I have all these as newsletters so that makes it easy to keep up with them. They are all great inspiration and great place to look at to start a blog, rather it is with paper/printables/etc

Never stop learning

You should never stop learning – reading, listening, trying – etc. My boss’s say it is one of the best things they see in me, I am always looking for a way to keep myself going, educated and up to date for whatever we are doing. And as  humblebrag as it is, I am. I love learning and I feel like it benefits everyone involved if you give your people the ability to take time to go and learn new skills to bring back to the group.

For me, this means a ton of notes. I take notes like no other.

I prefer hand written notes as well, but have taken to writing digitally in the digital bullet journal I started on Google Drive – again you can view it but not edit it anytime, and I update it all the time, to keep on task.

I try to source the notes too for, those curious.

So what I do now, as I use to use a notebook, is side screen the items and take notes, short hand usually and I only takes notes if it something I don’t already know – some list items are just too basic. The title sometimes get my attention and I click it and its nothing new – it happens. I just don’t note it.

For me this is the best break. Reading an article on something I want to learn, taking some notes and actually being able to use it.

Writing notes down on paper helps me remember better – honestly, but I go through a lot of notes this way, so I am still trying out the digital version. I like that I can index it and add to it easily, plus access it anywhere. I was just always a handwriting note person – even in school. If I wrote it down, I knew I’d remember it.

Anyhow, I hope this helps you! Look forward to an income report + how I did the indexing in Google Drive – I’ve had questions on that!

Happy Monday (and May Day!)