5 Tips for Finding Motivation
Hello Friends~
Really getting into this productivity thing, it helps that I love it I suppose. I hope you are finding these tips helpful, even if some are repeats I personally enjoy reading other takes on a concept.
Procrastination is a hard reality. I do it more often that I should, but its good to know your priorities. I personally am just lazy and sometimes I just don’t feel like working after work. Its just a reality. It happens. Other days I feel on a roll and get a ton of items off the list. What sets those days apart? Typically it is mood. If you are already feeling like you kicked ass that day, then continuing it feels great.
For me it is Mondays – a lot of things happen on Monday both in work and at home. At home I meal prep usually and that allows me to feel really productive. Which brings me to the first tip
Clean, cook or go outside (move!)
This works in two fold – 1 you get moving and 2 you accomplish something. Even if it is small, accomplishing things makes you feel better. It just does. If I don’t feel like doing something I will clean or play with the bunny. Moving around helps you get motivated again. Sometimes I will cook if I am hungry. Just remember this only helps if you go back and do the project.
Get on with it
Force yourself to get started. That is really it. Sometimes just starting will motivate you to keep going, you get caught up on in the flow and tend to get inspired.
Time it
If a task is particularly unappealing, you can tell yourself you will do it for X amount of time and get a reward at the end, such as stopping or a treat, etc. This is very similar to the Pomodora method in which you work for a burst, take a break and repeat.
The To-done List
The simple to-done list is amazing. Having a bad day? Need to feel like you accomplished something today. Make a to-done list. Its simply a reverse todo list. A list stating everything you completed so far for the day can really make you feel better. This list works really well when you are just down in general, writing out things you are grateful for or have accomplished is a real mood booster.
Practice Gratitude
It has been shown in many studies that showing gratitude in your everyday life increases happiness and motivation. I am sure there are numerous studies, I am going to point you to my favorite TED talk ever – The Happy Secret to Better Work. Its a very amusing and informative talk. Tips for this are to be thankful to the people in your life. Send a positive email a day to someone you know. One thing we practice is sending out hand written note cards on a regular basis.
I hope you found these tips helpful, I feel like I say that all the time. If you are feeling unmotivated and its something you can put off, maybe you should? Sometimes just hanging out at home or relaxing is just what you need, even if you don’t know it. I know this isn’t always possible, but if you don’t want to do something, dangit – you are an adult. You can figure out the results if you don’t do it vs doing it. Make it work for you.