Week 4 Updates

Hello Peeps,

Happy Week four~

How are your goals coming along? Man, I feel like this is just going to be a great year, I was so excited to get going and although I had a hiccup last week otherwise I’ve been doing well. I just did a bit of spring cleaning on the website, gotta pay those fees this month sometime too, and have been updating different pages/notes. I try to date things for everyone so you can see the last time I went in and made changes – I hate not knowing if something is current.

I still have some more dusting but I am happy so far, love this new layout. I really need a new picture, and I need to get on that newsletter dammit. You’d think I’d follow my own client rules, but alas I have just as many issues on hitting the buttoredditn as you all do.

To help me meet my goals for writing this year, I am spending two hours at a cafe once a week to write and work on side stuff. Today is that day for me – Monday. The first time was with a friend, which I won’t lie, didn’t get much done. Then the hiccup last week threw me off. So this week I am aiming to get through the rest of my todo list.

For the website, I want to write ahead, get a newsletter out and create a dashboard for the year. I was planning a goal-centered one but to be honest I have no idea what that will look like yet! I am very disappointed in my brain right now. I like to do one every month for myself, usually with Happy Planner Stickers – but a basic one has my brain just on still. Hoping to get it fixed later tonight.

If I get time I would like to work on ideas for some witchy stickers, create a test print of some real-life photos sets, as well as fix up the stars in various ways. I also want to create a buju theme template.

I am still testing out the productive week and dashboard printables, but the rest are listed in the shop. I want to do a post on those as well. Finish a new selfie doodle, if i get time and many more things, but those are my main focus for the moment.

I was thinking of adding a Wednesday to the rotation sometimes, as I can hit up Village in for food and get free pie! I might do that this week to catch up on some art. Mondays I am hitting Panera on I-25 in Denver, love this so far, been able to snatch the plugin seat *so far*

I can’t wait to keep going. I’ve already read a book this year too – a fun one but still really proud of that. Almost done with the 12 Week year too, then going to do another fun one. I just got a Kindle to help get reading done during the evening times and it’s working great for me so far. I really wanted the inverted pages.

How are you doing on your goals?