Ways I work with my ADHD (and Hormones)

Hey friends, TLDR; This will be related to my hormones and I know not everyone cares or has these, so feel free to skip this part to the more ADHD habits below. Anyway, that is how I deal with my hormones changing every damn day. Being a woman means you are on anywhere from 21…

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ADHD Symptoms that made me get diagnosed

Hey friends, Let’s talk about how I decided, then got my diagnose, and doubts that I still have. This post is full of just AFK stuff about me, as an FYI TDLR: Internet made me doubt my brain, I reached out to Spark mental health first to get started and first diagnosis, then I went…

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25 before 2025

👀 Not me disappearing for the majority of the year. In all seriousness, it’s been a great year of rest D: mostly due to how busy work has been. We’re a smaller team now – so it’s been a rough year both emotionally and work wise. I would say a successful year for our marketing team…

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