25 before 2025 Bingo Board

Howdy Going to work to starting adding freebies as post~ this is one I did last month and shared on Instagram. I haven’t done a newsletter in a bit >>; so you may not have seen these. You can get the Canva template here so you can edit it. This is editable so you can…

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What it’s in the Mindful Minimalist Planner

Howdy planner peeps, I got the all the new planner setups out this year: On the website, on Etsy, on Amazon I also set it up so it was blank for Amazon, so they are evergreen and don’t need to be updated all the time. You can of course pick up dated in the shop…

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Why I love Level 10 when goal setting

Howdy, Woo this week I am tired D: when I am feeling down or unproductive one of my goto methods of helping myself relax is reviewing my goals. I usually do this by mind mapping out level 10 and reviewing where I am in each goal, how I feel about it in the moment what…

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My Notion Setup

Howdy Friends, Time a notion setup update We’re going to start with the main page, which has changed a ton since my last share of the page. I still have the weather, but I added the cute flip clock for aesthetic reasons. So starting here, you can get the clouds in the resource library and…

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Ways I work with my ADHD (and Hormones)

Hey friends, TLDR; This will be related to my hormones and I know not everyone cares or has these, so feel free to skip this part to the more ADHD habits below. Anyway, that is how I deal with my hormones changing every damn day. Being a woman means you are on anywhere from 21…

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